It’s a very very sad things happened to any family in this matter. My tears fell as I saw how the mom have reacted as shown at TV3 news yesterday. Today we may also read how disheartened Puan Norsiah Mohamad expressed her words, click here at Utusan Online ; http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2010&dt=0428&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Muka_Hadapan&pg=mh_05.htm
This issue is gonna be great advantage for the opposition to smear good image of our PDRM..! kalau tak ada isu macam ni pun pembangkang memang dah suka memburuk2an imej polis, so I’m not surprise if they will become champion to pursue this case…!
Menteri Dalam Negeri, Dato Hishamuddin kena lah handle isu ini at his level best!! No mercy at all please, kalau memang ada silap dipihak polis, hukumlah biar rakyat tak akan terpengaruh dengan “labeling” polis kita kejam etc etc… Tengoklah kat website dan bloggers pro pembangkang pun dah start main isu ini dan tak lama lagi mesti ada kempen dan protes dari mereka…
Harap juga lepas ni ada UMNO and BN leaders buat police report please!!
Please check those articles produced with evidence of video clip by our blogger frenz, click here to see GAP’s article ;
Hishamuddin must take stern action asap..! Jadilah Home Minister yang tegas dan ada gigi…!
We must not tolerate all these nonsense from irresponsible opposition leaders, teach them good lesson! Semoga tak ada pembangkang yang boleh bercakap menghasut rakyat sesuka hati….
Bangunlah Hishamuddin….! Wake Up lah…!!!!