Bila dah dibuktikan memang sah Ariel yang lelaki dalam porno tu, dia pun kena cekup lepas tu sekarang jadik warga penjara kat Indon.

Hanya disebabkan video seks dia dah bersepah semua orang dah tengok aksi seks Ariel dengan artis yang memang cun cun giler, Cut Tari & Luna Maya.

Dulu kes Chua Soi Lek video seks dengan "Personal Friend" senyap macam tu jer
ReplyDeletesis, Ariel was convicted for distributing porn.
Similar to what will befell on the trio. Since, based on Anwar police report, he (anwar) claim the trio was distributing pornographic material to be viewed for public. Which is under Film Censorship Act and Section 292 of Penal Code not under Defamation Act.
Ariel Peterporn!!