Wednesday, April 14, 2010

At Last..! Blogger Darul Ehsan Today Sudah Taubat & Sokong Calon MIC

Syukur alhamdulillah. One of our Blogger fren DET yang TERBALIKKAN gambar PM Datuk Seri Najib sebab terlalu marah bila PM umum akan letak MIC candidate to contest in Hulu Selangor, but now Blogger DET dah betulkan semula gambar Najib…..

If we goes back and read at Blogger DET under the same titled article “Najib Bodoh”, click at yeah.. we can see now gambar PM dah OK….
Ok la tu Blogger DET, dah tukar imej pun blog with new background colour appearance, moga2 semangat baru tak kecam pemimpin kita sendiri tau!

Walaupun dalam article DET ada mentioned DET tak akan tegakkan balik gambar Najib if our beloved PM tak announce candidate from UMNO, tapi bila tengok gambar PM dah OK, maknenye DET sokong MIC jadi candidate…..

Baguslah DET dah taubat kembali ke jalan benar….

Next time jangan terlalu emotional bro, bloggers punya peranan tak boleh above the limit political decision. Marah macam mane pun, musuh kita dari Pakatan pembangkang bukannya PM & BN.

Cuma agak kesal and very much regretted sebab tindakan Blogger DET dah di copy paste and circulated among blogger pro Pakatan…, sedih hu huuu huuuu, look at my previous article ade publish gambar2 from Pakatan bloggers.

Tu la..., Blogger DET lain kali kena fikir sebelum buat decision.

Sekarang nampak macam DET jilat ludah sendiri…., sebab tetap tegakkan gambar Najib walaupun its confirmed MIC akan contest there at Hulu Selangor for BN.

DET punya action terbalikkan gambar Najib bawa tujuan apa..? Protes..?

Akhirnya protes main main, tapi PM kita sendiri dimalukan….

If u all read my article before this, actually I was upset bila Blogger DET buat macam nie kat PM. Please check comments that came in, Blogger DET himself ade tulis 4 comments here in my previous article….

Nampak macam marah bro kita nie….

Now let me ask u this; bila Bolgger DET kata [in his comments] disebabkan kebodohan Najib, 30 bilik gerakan umno dah tutup…, all functions involving menteri & timbalan menteri dibatalkan…, 40% jentera umno lumpuh…., betul ker..?? Tak berlaku pun…., DET macam runner pembangkang pulak….

For your info Blogger DET, I have also been there to Hulu Selangor last weekend, spend a nite there and visited all over places with my colleagues and Puteri, tapi tak lah nampak cemas macam DET gambarkan….

Most important thing now ialah bila DET dah betulkan gambar PM maknanye "kata dua" DET bagi kalau PM tak letak calon UMNO tu kira main main lah kot…. I must be right on this!

Once again to record, tindakan DET dah give space to Pakatan bloggers took his article and this issue, our PM dimalukan oleh Bloggers pro BN, just because toooooooooooo emotional...!!

That’s common things happened, bila manusia terlau emosi, jarang boleh berfikir dengan baik. This is when you said someone STUPID but the person who did wrong decision is actually STUPID….

Dear Blogger DET, I luv all your group bloggers that attacked Anwar and pembangkang, tapi DET alone janganlah ulangi your stupid mistake again please…!!!!!

We are frenz and not enemies, musuh kita si peliwat tu la!

Congrats to DET yang dah bertaubat dan betulkan gambar PM kita….


  1. PRK-P94: Kepada Pengundi Hulu Selangor.

    Calon terbaik UMNO akhirnya ditemui....berminat ingin tahu sila klik disini

  2. Itu tandanya blogger UMNO takde pendirian serta menampakkan kebodohan diri sendiri. Dah ludah lepas tu jilat kembali. Mana letak maruah sebagai melayu UMNO. Perangai serupa GAP. Khakkkk! thuiihhh!....

  3. Gua setuju dengan Lu A-I-B. Mana maruah UMNO? Pirahhhh!!!!
